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Doctors & Staff

Meet the caring, experienced doctors who make Dr. Haug Optometry premier providers of professional eyecare in Encinitas.

Deborah Haug, O.D.

Dr. Deborah Haug graduated from UC Berkeley with honors while attaining a BA in physiology; and from the UC Berkeley School of Optometry with her doctorate in 1993.  She was inducted into the Beta Sigma Kappa Optometric Honor Student Fraternity. She has been practicing optometry in the San Diego area since graduation. She and her husband opened their private practice in Encinitas in November of 1995, next to her father’s and sister’s dental practices. They also purchased their second practice in Escondido in 1999.

Dr. Haug has been specially certified to medically diagnose and treat ocular disease; including glaucoma, dry eye, ocular allergy, post surgical management, and to perform minor surgical procedures.  She is a member of the American Optometric Association, California Optometric Association, San Diego County Optometric Society, and Seacoast Community Church. She enjoys hiking, biking, theater activities with her two sons, volunteering at Santa Fe Christian School, horseback riding, and skiing.

In 2018, Dr. Haug was honored with the “Best Of Encinitas” Award for optometrists!


Michael Haug, O.D.

Dr. Michael Haug graduated from UC Davis with honors while attaining a BS in physiology. He graduated from the UC Berkeley School of Optometry in 1993, and was inducted into the Beta Sigma Kappa Optometric Honor Student Fraternity.  Since graduating, he has been practicing at this location, as well as their Escondido practice. Since graduating, he has received special certification to medically diagnose and treat ocular disease; including glaucoma, dry eye disease, ocular allergy, and post surgical management including refractive surgery. He has also been certified to perform minor surgical procedures, and treats urgent care patients for corneal and ocular trauma.

He and his wife own two practices: the first opened in Encinitas in November 1995, and the second was purchased from Dr. David Hubbard in Escondido in 1999. He is a member of the American Optometric Association, California Optometric Association, San Diego County Optometric Society, and Seacoast Community Church. He enjoys golf, bowling, horseback riding, mountain biking, hiking, and skiing.




Dr. Jeanne Louie, O.D.

Dr. Jeanne Louie earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, San Diego and her Doctor of Optometry degree from Southern California College of Optometry. She completed externship rotations at the VA Hospital and HuHuKam Memorial Hospital, giving her valuable experience in diagnosing and treating ocular diseases. Dr. Louie is able to detect and treat many types of eye conditions such as dry eyes, ocular allergies, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and presbyopia (reading vision). She also has experience in detecting systemic conditions affecting the eyes, such as diabetes and hypertension.

Dr. Louie has been working in private practice in North County for over 20 years. She is happy to be returning to Dr. Haug Optometry, and previously worked with UCSD Student Health Services, and most recently at an ophthalmology practice in Encinitas.  Currently, Dr. Louie is a volunteer at the Lion’s Club Optometric Vision Clinic in San Diego, and member of the San Diego County Optometric Society, California Optometric Association, and American Optometric Association.

In 2014, 2016, and 2018, Dr. Louie was awarded the Certificate of Excellence from MES Vision, an award based on feedback from patients who rated her practice as “excellent” in all surveyed categories.  In her spare time, Dr. Louie enjoys reading, traveling, and gardening.